Physio Floating Massage 50 min, 45 Min

Physio Floating Massage 50 min, 45 Min
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One of Dr. König developed spiral dynamic underwater massage in the warm sunset pool under the open sky. You lie on swimming aids and are massaged, moved, mobilized, stretched and pulled by the therapist in the water. Weightlessness pure! Especially suitable for complicated back problems or to relieve the burden during pregnancy. Please note that this treatment is carried out in the sunset pool in the Badehaus and is only possible in good weather and corresponding outside temperatures.
One of Dr. König developed spiral dynamic underwater massage in the warm sunset pool under the open sky. You lie on swimming aids and are massaged, moved, mobilized, stretched and pulled by the therapist in the water. Weightlessness pure! Especially suitable for complicated back problems or to relieve the burden during pregnancy. Please note that this treatment is carried out in the sunset pool in the Badehaus and is only possible in good weather and corresponding outside temperatures.
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